“Architecture that reflects the community it serves fundamentally stands the test of time. This drives me to work with a broad range of stakeholders to determine what matters to them, and then to translate that vision into an engaging building that responds to their needs now, and into the future.”

Jeff is an architect emphasizing work in the public realm. His innate curiosity is demonstrated by a passion for learning to increase his knowledge, improve process and find new ways to contribute. Growing up in a fire fighting family sets the backdrop for Jeff’s sense of purpose in bringing an emphasis of security to the communities he serves.

In designing for resilience, Jeff takes pride in keeping different circles of community safe. His work ranging from emergency response facilities to educational facilities to civic centers—enables him to help communities thrive, even through difficult times. For Einstein Middle School, that involved supporting a client community successfully handle an already challenging phased construction process that was extended when the pandemic hit.

Jeff’s interest in architecture started early when as a child, his dad brought home a big tub of Legos purchased at a garage sale, that ultimately inspired him to pursue a career in architecture. In a profession that relies on art and utility, it can be difficult to find balance and follow through, but this is where Jeff has found success building trust with clients and supporting colleagues to deliver quality projects.