Did you know the first eco-focused World’s Fair was held in Spokane? A massive civic effort led to industrial clean-up and urban renewal downtown, putting Spokane on the map as a destination city. The 50th Anniversary celebration of Expo ’74 kicks off with activities through July.

Integrus is a Legacy Sponsor of the months long event spanning May through July. Walker McGough (Integrus founders and predecessor firm) designed the Opera House Performing Arts Center and Washington State Pavilion for the Expo. Now known as FICA (First Interstate Center for the Arts) and the Spokane Convention Center, these buildings endure decades later as contributors to the cultural and civic fabric of the city.

Former Integrus Presidents George and Jerry were there for all the action–George was on the Walker McGough design team for both the Opera House and Washington State Pavilion, while Jerry worked for the Expo Corporation coordinating all design and construction aspects of the event (then joined the firm after Expo).

Enjoy this 1 -hour special (or clip) offering memories about what it was like to help bring this transformative civic event together.

KXLY TV | Celebrating Expo ’74: Rebirth of a City

Opera House segment