Aspiration & Achievement

Renovation and expansion of experiential learning environments enables increased student enrollment and provides state-of-the-art animal treatment services.


The school’s combined Lois Bates Acheson Veterinary Teaching Hospital and Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine outgrew its space forcing it to turn away potential clients, limit student enrollment and the addition of specialty services.

Initial design team-led discussions helped to distill needs and priorities, leading to the realization expanded program elements were required to reach academic goals. This resulted in a capital campaign for additional donor money that doubled the scoop of the project for added impact to the student experience.

Additions add a free-standing lecture hall and two-story exam and office suite plus additional kennels, and wards. A new oncology space houses a linear accelerator, providing radiation therapy—a service not readily available for large animal cancer patients anywhere on the west coast between Seattle and US Davis in California.

Designed to LEED Silver standards, a lecture hall and additional laboratory space improves the overall educational and practical experience of veterinary students.